mmmmm chocolate

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The old man is snoring!

A few other careers

Storm chaser (like on twister)
Forensic scientist
Ice cream taster (and chocolate :) )

Its raining and raining and did I mention its raining!

After my last exam last night, I went home hoping to have a nice long relaxing bath. But not to be, there was no water. Apparently a water main had burst taking out the whole street - yippee. Now the house is freezing - there was no water, and I was just waiting for the lights to go out. Luckily they didnt, but made you realise how much water you actually use. The only bonus coming from the night was that Hurricane wasnt there - always looking for the good points :) I just want to move out of my flat and the urge increases daily.

On to positive things I thought I would list some things I like and make me happy :) - slightly censored

1. Laughing

2. Hugs

3. Freshly baked bread, or the smell that comes from the tip top factory at night time.

4. The beach in summer

5. Swimming

6. Having time to lose myself in a book for hours

7. Storms, love storms!

8. Nice surprises

9. Thoughtfulness of others to me through their actions that show they care enough to take time to do something I will appreciate.

10. A new pair of shoes :)


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Two weeks to go.......another exam looms......reports have to be finished.....internal assessments need to be marked....the list goes on.

My body is starting its winding down process as the term comes to an end. I would like to delay this for about a week....too much to do this week. I need to be up and atom (its atom ant :) ) for Wednesday for my anatomy exam. This should be the one I much to learn. I do know some parts of the anatomy better than others comments needed there ;)

Why am I studying some may ask...well at the end of last year, I wasnt at the best place in my life. I didnt know if teaching was for me anymore, and through my personal trainer had taken an interest in sports nutrition. Ive been accepted into a post grad diploma in community nutrition, but this year started a Diploma in Sports Studies. Now this year I changed schools and I love teaching again, however Im not sure if I want to do it all my life, and am keeping options open. Ideally I would like to teach part time, and work the other half in sports nutrition....anyway see what the future brings.

Throughout my life my career plans have changed. Here is a list of my prior choices:

Air Hostess
Clinical Psychologist
Marine Mammologist
Tour Guide
Rally car driver (I still practice that one)
Teaching kept popping in and out as well. I remember trying to teach my brother before he even started schoool - was that a sign??
Movie reviewer
Radio DJ
Lifeguard (after watching baywatch realised that wasnt going to happen)
Animal behaviourist (I think where I work - I do this sometimes)

Im sure there were others, will add them if think of them.

Brrr its cold...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A few thoughts

A while since I added to this thing....I don't know what 31 was about but thats not the number ;)

The weather has turned to crap, I well and truly hate winter, actually thats not true. On Desperate Housewives last...hate means that you still I am indifferent to it. I think it actually relates more to people than the seasons though. I only have two people in my life that I am indfifferent to. One was recently my Mums nurse, and apparently she passed on a hello to me via Mum. I didn't care...the hate had gone, I was indifferent! The other is someone we have nicknamed poison, perhaps there is a little hate still there, but thats more because she keeps turning up like a bad smell....anyway I digress.

Rate my teacher....what the hell. I appear on it! I thought that I would have escaped it since I had recently changed schools, but no. Three ratings so far, no comments. One good, one ok and one bad. I mentioned it in class today to my Year 10's and a kid goes "Yeah Miss, I added you." He was the nice one. He seemed a bit gutted that I didnt want to be on there. The whole concept is weird...I dont see a rate my, that would be good. However I guess thats what reports are for. But what other profession does one get rated on the Internet? Rate my doctor, my dentist, my accountant, my gardner, my nanny etc....The thing is that while I hate the site (see I still care) I can't help but check it to see if there are any comments about me or my friends.

For those who dont know, I have depression/bipolar disorder. Generally most friends know, and it actually has taught me a lot about the qualities of a good friend. When I found out, I think I was harder on myself than my friends were. Very few treated me differently, and those that did I no longer work with. It seemed anytime I was upset, or grumpy, I was having a biploar moment. Truth is I was actually upset or pissed off. Bipolar generally just means going to mood extremes, and not being able to control them. I have come a long way since finding out, and I acutally think Im a better person now than before. I know myself better, can see when I go up or down, and can take the right course of action. And yes, I am on medication, but it gives me the chemicals which people without bipolar already have.
Now the highs are fun, really fun but exhausting. Its like you are live and electricity is suging through you and have no fear. They seem to come on in times of stress or lack of sleep. However with the highs, come the lows usually afterwards. Generally they are not so bad anymore, but at their worst came the worst sort of thoughts and actions. There are other symptoms including spending a lot of money and going hard or not at all. I once wrote what it was like for me as something to show people to get them to understand, however I am yet to show anyone this.
However most people cant tell. Now Im not nearly as moody. My brother said he could have told me I had it when we were teenagers :) I swear my flatmate hurricane
needs to work on her moods. She even knows she is moody, wouldnt you want to do something to help yourself. Guess thats the difference between her and me. She's away for the week, its great being home :)

Enough procrastinating, need to mark assessments.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Its cold and Im eating ice cream :)

As all good things come to an end, so does a long weekend...sad isnt it knowing that if you arent a school teacher the next long weekend is labour weekend....ah well we all choose our careers.

I have my first exam on Wednesday...a little apprehensive...its been a while since Ive sat one. Ive got used to setting them and marking them. Working full time as well definitely makes things more interesting. To be a full time student again would be cool, but now I like the money too much. Course tomorrow..the loom of school is delayed for an extra day.

Dont have a lot to say here today, I should but after studying all im trying to remember are the eight components of you are wondering now arent you...:)

So here are 25 things about me....that will do...100 is just too many at this point!

1. Im from Dunedin, born and bred and proud.

2. Have never actually left school, went to uni, teachers college, then back to school. Could never cope with less than 12 weeks of holidays a year :)

3. I am a hoarder, you just never know when you may need something. My room is more interesting because of it...honestly!

4. My flat has wooden floors. I believe that leaving your clothes on the floor actually make a good insulator...others disagree and say i should put my clothes away!

5. I listen to angry music really really loudly in my car and sometimes people are shocked when I turn my stereo on after they get in at how loud it is....

6. I am currently entering my 'nesting' phase and have a stunning new coffee table, bookshelf and entertainment unit

7) I keep a record of all the boys I have slept with and their professions and ratings.

8) I like putting on dinner parties and cooking for others...Im the hostess with the mostess :)

9) I am a coffee addict. I buy Wild Bean 4-5 times a week. Im trying to cut down.

10) Ive had personal trainers called Bud Slickers and Paris.

11) Threw a whiteboard marker at a kid last year. Missed the kid I was aiming at and hit another in the head...I cried.

12) I also had an accident with sodium causing burns to three kids faces. They are ok now.

13) I got alcohol poisoning 2 years ago and had to get an injection in my bum for it. I have not drinken tequila since.

14) I swear by ZENGO as a pep start to your morning.

15) I once ran away from home when I was school (Yes I am actually nuts!)

16) I get birthday cards from my dog - she signs it with a pawprint, even sometimes throws in a lotto ticket or instant kiwi

17) I made sherbet with my students once, then proceeded to start a sherbet fight - I lost and looked like a ghost.

18) I have 7 ear piercings, 1 belly button piercing and a dolphin on my lower back

19) I first got drunk when 14 in a woolshed with friends. Passed out drunk outside on the stairs and proceeded to throw up the rocket fuel I had consumed. I dont remember a lot about that night.

20) I won an art competition at Intermediate for drawing the Alexandra clock on the hill. I like to draw when I can, very therapeutic.

21) I have a strange interest in the Royal Family - seemed normal until I said it out loud.

22) I get offended when people dont make the effort to come to my birthday.

23) I played rugby for a year at school. Mum refused to watch me.

24) I have a giant head and look ridiculous in most hats, either like a fisherman or a traindriver.

25) I look at my group of friends as if they are a troop of monkeys, observing who has the various roles. I am the matriarch. Ed believes my friends are my harem :)

Right thats all for now....Im sure there will be more to come in future :)

Oh there is a funny one my flatmate picked up. I talk to animals on tv especially puppies or anything cute saying hello puppy, aww arent you cute. Lianne pointed out they they wont talk back to me......

Thursday, June 01, 2006

When does an orgasm become a disease???

What the hell? Just watching 20/20 to see that women suffer from an excess of sexual arousal and often have to bring themselves to orgasm in order to release the pressure. Others just have them come on all of a Imagine that..teaching away then oh oh oh grabbing the desk as one hits....not the ideal situation. Could see how that would be an issue. Kids notice everything and just wouldnt let that go. I mean I laugh inappropriately at the best of times in front of the kids.....and they dont forget!

One more day and then a long weekend....cannot wait! Sleep in...I love sleeping and dozing. A perfect morning is being cosy in bed with your boyfriend, raining outside and you dont need to get out of bed at all. Oh and getting breakfast in bed..nice!

The daunting thought of studying also is present. First exam is only a week away now....I think I was starting to approach burnout. No sleep, wired, incoherant (more than usual). Ended up crashing for 4 hours and decided to take today off. Coffee with friend after school, then hanging with friends tonight over a pot of the green stuff (tea that is) Always fun...sharing dilemas, thoughts, asking advice and of course good gossip the way only good friends can do it. Always a time I look forward to and a place I can totally be myself and they expect nothing less :)

Good times :)