mmmmm chocolate

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Quiet times

A fairly quiet weekend. Winter is on its way. Saturday was filled with grey clouds and rain. Pretty miserable - it feels like its almost hibernation time. How easy life would be to be a bear. Sleep the winter away, although plugging your butt with twigs, leaves, and nuts etc would be less than ideal. Winter is hard for me. Depression generally finds its way in, so it one will need to take preventative strategies so everything stays a-ok.

I had a refocus session with my personal trainer to get me back on track. It was good. Got so many recipes now, I don't know what to do with the them, however Clayton bless him is going to work out what foods are best for me at what time of day. At weight watchers last week, I did find a fault with one thing they said. They said:

"That you shouldn't eat complex carbohydrates after 8pm is a myth."

From my background in taking nutrition papers, and from Clayton - I know that unless you are going to do hard core exercise after 8pm, there is no need to have carbs as you will not burn them. As the day goes on, you need to ease up on the carbs and increase your protein. The increased protein will keep your metabolism buring overnight and also stop one from feeling starved the next morning.

Saturday was fairly uneventful. Caught up on the royal gossip in magazines.

William is now single. Kate Middleton would never had made it to the royal family - for she is a commoner. Her family are what they call new money. Although they have done well for themselves, the success is not inherited. The Queen follows tradition. Diana and Fergie all cames from high society backgrounds hence their acceptance. Royalty is full of heritage and tradition. For now it will not change.

Also from what I have read (yes it is hear say) Kate seemed a bit on the boring side for William. William is still a big party boy, where as she is ready to settle down. Two people at different stages in their lives. I also read the William also has the wandering eye with the ladies - So in my eyes not meant to be.

Harry has a price on his head if he goes to Iraq. Apparently if he sets foot in Iraq, he will return home without his ears. An army spokesperson said Harry will be heavily camoflagued so it will be hard to recognise him. Wait and see I guess.

Back to the weekend. Watched Borat - was alright, however I guess I expected more - wasn't laugh out loud funny. Had drinks at home last night, the usual Aaron showed up and a very hungover little Laura. Good catch up.

Sunday - joined the library in the Hutt. A lot smaller than the one in town, but nice and cosy. Needed books for my sports nutrition essay which they had - the aim is design a diet and strategies for a particular sport. Mine - swimming. See how that goes.

Went aquajogging with a increasingly pregnant Andrea. Was lots of fun, and a great time to gossip at the same time. Looking to get back into the pool more, forgot how much fun it is.

The weekend draws to a close - Not-Kate there is another wedding expo on next Sunday. You keen?

Thursday, April 26, 2007


5am - Alarm goes off - time to get up for the dawn service.

I hadn't been to one for a couple of years, possibly to my love of sleep, and usually not waking up until 8am. A brisk but dry morning, Ant and I went to the Lower Hutt service, held at the memorial at the library. The last post sent shivers down my spine as it always seems to. Good to see a variety of ages, and many children and grand children wearing their relations medals. Ange told me of protesters at the Wellington service. Things like that make me angry. The protesters have no idea what the men went through to defend their country, and their service should be celebrated. They only get one day!

On another note, last Saturday was Brad's (future nephew) first soccer game of the season. He played an awesome game and won player of the day. Well done!

Also went to Andrea's baby shower. Was a pleasant affair, and Andrea seems to be growing by the day. Lots of presents, all should be very useful. Good there were no horror stories of birth told, it was all good stories, and not too many cheesy games. The best one was name the baby animal.

DID you know: A baby cockroach is called a nymph?

The rest of ANZAC day was spent having a lovely brunch and catch up with Kate and Ange at Go Bang. Ange has started a list on what to do before she is 30. Im thinking it could be a good idea...what to put in the list???? We also put our voucher money on the payment for our wedding rings, and sorting out my storage unit. Who knew one person could have so much stuff!

Today was back to school - blah. Had parent teacher interviews for Year 10's tonight. Only had 7 interviews. Not a particularly great year group, so was a blessing. Must have been the earliest Ive come home from interviews, YAY! Thank god tomorrow is Friday!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Holidays

The holidays involved much travelling, an engagement party (see our wedding blog) and catch ups. Down to Dunners, Ant and I went on the ferry then in Merlot (my pulsar) and Rusty our mascot to meet and greet the parents and the dog.

On the way......

Saw some seals

We stayed in Kaikoura the night, the next morning it had snowed!

Went to Christchrch for a night

We went to Moeraki Boulders (no one knows how they got there). It was cold, but fun. Lots of great scenary and not a bad cafe.

I was quite chuffed with my seagull shot so added it in.

The dog and my parents loved Ant (the dog even going out for a "smoke" with Ant). While in Dunners, my brother and I treated Ant to an outing at the Bowler, a student pub as he thought he had missed out being by not going to uni. He realised it was a student pub when the bar tender served him a jug and asked if he would like glasses with that...

We also went to the Baldwin Street, the world's steepest street.

Went to a few beaches (with white sand). Ant was amazed by the amount of kelp present.

Saw the pyramids

and some great scenary

Was also a chance to catch up with friends

and go out for dinners (the weight watchers did suffer, gaining 1.4 kilos for the trip) and having fun with Zorro at the casino.

On the way home we went to Waimate's wallaby park, and got to hold a baby one...awww.

We arrived home safe and sound, having a fab time!

Monday, April 23, 2007

A new link...

Will update this blog soon. On the right hand site is a link to a blog I set up for the wedding. So far it covers the engagement party, and hopefully will be updated as things occur. Mainly for Ma and Pa, Scooter and and anyone interested!! Lots of piccys.

Day one of term 2...where did the holidays go????

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Less than two days to go :)

A fairly good week thus dramas, but man is everyone tired and looking like they need a holiday!

Not-Kate talked about great moments in teaching or moments when you realise maybe this is my calling.

I had parent-teacher interviews last night - fully booked seeing 32 parents of my Year 9 students (I have two classes). All interviews were really positive!! No complaints or anything. I got a range of compliments and many kids/parents said that for them Science this year was awesome! Total warm fuzzies. I have tried hard with the Year 9's this year due to last years being one of the two worst Year 9's I have ever taught. While completely exhausted and not really wanting to talk afterwards - I felt good and realise that I must be doing something right.

Yesterday, I was also referred to talk to a student about bipolar. I have never had to do this before, so very new experience for me. Basically she thought she was going nuts because of her mood swings etc, the fact she was up one moment and down the next. I explained many aspects of the illness to her, saying it may not be that and as I have it, it is merely a chemical imbalance that can affect my moods. Fortunately, I saw her this morning and turns out her hormones are out of whack, producing too much testosterone and not enough oestrogen. It can be fixed. I could see the relief on her face, and she was smiling today. It is nice to see things go right for people :)

No weigh in last night due to interviews, will go on Thursday night. This week has been bad for cravings for bread. I looooovvvve bread!

Kate do you want to donate blood soon? Im due to donate!

Umm that is all, almost lunchtime.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A pinch and a punch for the first of the month

Yay last week of school, and even better it's only four more days!

The countdown is also on for the engagement party on Saturday. I'm getting very excited about it now, and things seem to be coming together nicely. We recieved another couple of gifts - a big kick-ass 4 burner BBQ from Ant's Mum and Ant' s Nanna gave us her barely used drier when we went up to visit yesterday. Tops!!

The past week dragged. I guess it does that when holidays are close. Teachers and kids are tired, and grumpy. I find at times like these, sometimes it is easier just to avoid those people. A student swore at me during the week, and yet again am still waiting for something to be done about it after informing the appropriate people. I find it frustrating as the one time I made the mistake of swearing at a girl under my breath after she had left the room, I got in trouble instantly. Now to add, Im not one of those teachers who can't handle students. I have not sent any kid to time out this year (haven't needed to as of yet). I do try to rectify the issue first, and this has worked so far this year. I will send them for a good reason, not just because they are annoying me (or less). I guess thats why when something does happen of some seriousness and nothing gets done about it, I get grumpy myself, and have less faith in the leaders of the school. One thing I have noticed more this term, is that apart from the enormous amount of PD (reserving judgement on that), is that us pleb teachers get told off a lot, and recieve a lot of negative feedback from our 'leaders'. I have only heard one compliment recognising the amount of time and effort we put in from one of the A.P's who still teaches. If we don't recieve some positivity, how are we meant to show it to the students? Thanks, that is my rant for now.

My best friend Frances and her partner Shane came up to Wellington for 10 days yesterday, and caught up today. It was awesome. Fran got to meet Anthony, and gave him the big thumbs up, while Anthony said later on he liked Fran, and could see why we were friends. You can always tell when people get along, when they can start hassling each other with smiles on their faces :) Yay! We had lunch at One Red Dog - not the easiest place when you are on Weight watchers but with a salad a one piece of pizza it was all good.

Yesterday we saw Father Lyons again, and passed the Love test (as I saw it). From our comments, he pointed out we were great communicators, saw each other as the person that completes the other, and for people that have not known each other as long as some couples, we had compacted the wisdom and experience that many take years to gather into the year and a bit we have been together. He also liked how we used the word unconditional in respect to trust, honesty etc. Next month, we cover how Love comes from God. Yesterday also saw Ant and I go to visit Nanna up in Foxton. A very good day, and some interesting stories from his Nanna. Also good was the visit to Prenzels, and the Bendon factory - yay for new underwear.

Have a good short week!!!