mmmmm chocolate

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Autobots....roll out!

Just arrived home from Transformers. Awesome movie!!!! Regardless if you are a fan/geek from way back, there is something for everyone. A bit of romance, a hot girl, awesome cars, goodies, badies, lots of destruction, battles, and a hot army guy, plus even a pretty good story line. Classic Optimus Prime and Megatron, Starscream, Jazz, Bumblebee, Rachet, etc. Im just buzzing, will need to see it again. Highly recommend!!!! Decided I want a car like Bumblebee a guardian - how handy would that be :)
Last day of school tomorrow.....weeeee!!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The countdown continues...

Ahhhh the last Sunday before holidays....woo hoo.

Another busy week, I will be glad when life is a little less hectic.

My last week of my student teacher. We had a blow out on Monday where an arguement was had over many issues that Im past so dont want to go into. However apparently later on in the day, another Science teacher found her crying over it. I made her cry. I felt a little bad, however when someone disrespects you in many ways, it would also be stupid for me to stand there and take it, so I will fight back. She is also Andrea's replacement next term. My HOD informed me my job had been made harder by her appointment...yippee.

Anyway onto happier things, went on a field trip to the Science Roadshow, and my geek self loved it. Great explosions!!! I also got to go to the zoo on a teachers course. Since becoming a teacher I am yet to pay to go to the zoo. The chimps have got a new enclosure, lots of construction going on and even a new amphitheatre as well for educational shows. Looking at chimp and baboon behaviour has so many parallels to school children. I wonder if I threw them food if they would act the same way. A lecture was given in the afternoon by a scientist from Vic who has studied the size of primates testicles compared to its sexual behaviour...what a topic! Very interesting. Quite the party conversation. Two things picked up. Fruit eating possums have incredibly huge sperm compared to humans. Rhinos sperm is smaller than ours. And chimpanzees are swingers so have very large testicles.

Anyway, moving on. Second session of marriage classes came and went. This week it was effective communication, and interpreting what people really say. Now anyone that has had to do any professional development on working with people in their jobs will have taken the same class. Tomorrow is the legal and the financial information. I figure this should be one of the more interesting topics. Still they have quality biscuits at break time.

Weight Watchers - came back with a weight loss this week. Lost 2.2kilos, so made up for the 1.2 kilos I had gained last week. Felt much happier. Have been more active this week. It helps. 12.5 kilos now.

Highlight of the week was Ken and Holly's farewell at Theos Greek Traverna in Mount Victoria. Lots of people, a set menu of a variety of yummy Greek food, some interesting Greek wine that may have aged a little too long. Although, people said it did the job. After one sip, it made my jaw tingle. Plate throwing, greek music and dancing. Kate and I sanf many an op pa! finger danced and had a go at the real thing. It was noted by Fish and Ant that we suffer in both trying to lead...he he. good times. This was followed by drinks at the Cambridge, more singing, and chatting. Ant and I got a room at the Cambridge. How good was it to just go upstairs at the end of the night. Good rooms, highly recommend. In the morning we came downstairs to brunch which starts at a basic $2 for eggs on toast and you add to it what you want. Very good as you get exactly what you want, and for me no stupid tomato.

The rest of yesterday involved shopping at the mall, nanna napping, and once again getting on the booze with Ant, Aaron and others. I have come to like Ant's brother Steve more as time goes on. They get along a lot better now, and he is pretty funny at times with a dry Kitt humour.

Today, had a two hour conversation with ma and pa. My cousin is pregnant and found out she is having a boy. Excting! I made a guest appearance on the indoor netball court for Kates team. An appalling first quarter where my arms just would not catch the ball, to improving enough to score 3 goals. It was fun and reminded me how much fun it is to play. Thanks Kate!

Watched Dreamgirls this arvo. A lot singing. Was alright, but think I had to be in a different mood to enjoy it more.

Saw an ad for audtions for a quiz show "Are you smarter than a 10 year old?" on tv. Will investigate to see if they have Wellington audtions this time.

Hmmmm thats enough ranting, have a good week. 5 more days!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Good and the Bad

To sum up the week at school.......

Reports still on the go, not far from almost over I hope. Just completed the Form Teacher ones...yay! The incompetant student teacher got the maternity position at school starting next term. SOS. Its going to be a long six months. I have informed Andrea if she feels the urge to return early from Maternity Leave, I will not argue. Even the HOD said that my job has just been made that much harder...great! Guess thats what happens when there is a lack of applicants. I do keep thinking of the extra management unit and hopefully the money that follows.

Ant experienced Home Ec teaching on Friday with his ANZ volunteer day. From what I can tell he enjoyed it. The Home Ec ladies loved him and have booked him in again next year. The kids revelled in the fact that they had met my fiance and that he told them I was bossy at home.....hmmmm. I think he appreciated the life of a teacher (Well I hope so). A lovely drinks/nibbles session at Anneleises, and then a few drinks at Aaron and Frans.

Saturday rolled around and after gaining 1.2kilos at Weight Watchers this week, I went to the Personal Trainer and enjoyed a good boxing session. Also great stress relief.

From there it was off to Wedding Belles, to look at wedding dresses. Yay....have decided on the hiring option as found the most lovely dress. All sorted in two hours. I felt like a princess. I have finally got quite excited about this whole wedding business. Still over 6 months to go. Mainly small details now to sort.

And then, when all is well, I backed into a gas main and broke the pipe letting a lot of gas into the atmosphere. Not at my house however, at a friends neighbours...never saw the gas box on the ground in the driveway. Actually thought I had burst the tyre. Anyway, the fire brigade was called to the rescue. Not one but five showed up (obviously a busy day) and plugged up the hole with a broom handle. The gas man was next to arrive, and informed me that it was a good thing I had insurance as it was going to cost a lot of money as contractors had to dig up the ground to fix the pipe...and to top it off, there was an open home at the house the next day. The fireman asked me if I knew how to back, and the gas man wanted me to inform him when I was leaving so he could clear the driveway. Suppose when I do something I dont do it half arsed. Rang the insurance company, all should be covered...thank God.

Things improved from there and today has been a lot more low key. Got another budgie, this one called Oprah. Ant named it after the Colour Purple (guess the colour). One of the other budgies got out and swam straight into the water, resulting in him looking like this.
A throw back to the 80's I think. This one is Sploge.
Aquajogging wraps up the weekend, which was lovely. Lets hope this week is slightly quieter. Only two more weeks to go!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Marriage Preparation - Lesson 1

A few weeks since my last blog entry. Been busy, lots of things going on.

I have finished my uni paper for the semester - had my exam on Saturday. I have done a lot of exams in my time - I still dislike them. This one was six essays in 2 hours - I wrote a lot. I just hope that there is some quality in the answers. Next semester the paper is Sports Injuries.

Reports due tomorrow, have got them done. Amazing how productive you can be under pressure - now to the Form Teacher reports.

A lovely catch up dinner was had by the posse and friends on Friday night at Eastern Sunrise, followed by desert at Espressoholic...mmmm mmmm. A great catch up and finally a chance to meet Ed's Belle Donna. I swear she looks like an old friend, Rebecca Henry who used to flat with Nicky.

Weight Watchers - still going. Have lost 11.5kilos to date,although the past weekend wasnt the best in food choices. Dee also gave me a site where you can track your fitness, food, and weight changes. A lot like weight watchers, but the site is free :) This week is time to refocus, and get back on the exercise wagon. All the study has thrown me out of routine.

Student teacher is still a bit of a nightmare. Continues to think she knows more than me. Kids dont like her, and even my lovely accelerant kids are throwing darts in the classroom. Less than two weeks to go, and I keep thinking of the money.

Saw Shrek 3 last night - good movie. A light hearted 90minute feature. I swear Ant is still Shrek, and me well I thought Fiona, but then Ant said I could be as annoying at Donkey...he he.

And finally, marriage preparation classes started tonight. 11 couples were there, many more than I thought. Had the usual introductions where we had to introduce a fellow couple, how they met, when they were getting married, and how their wedding plans were going. So the beginning of the year at school.

Tonight involved filling out a FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication Understanding and Study) quiz of 189 multi-choice questions in which you answered:

A -Agree D - Disagree U - Uncertain

The answers will be tabulated by facilitators who will talk to us about how we answered the questions. What we agreed on and what we may need to communicate further on. Quite frankly I was just excited to be doing a quiz...yes I am a geek, but you have to love quizzes.

Examples from the quiz included:

Drinking alcohol can cause my future spouse to act inappropriately

My future in-laws have accepted me

Cohabiting with my future spouse makes me think he will expect sex on demand

We are in agreement about the husband and wife roles each of us expects of the other in our marriage relationship.

There are qualities about my future spouse that I do not respect.

We have discussed the ways our families solved problems and how this may affect our problem solving.

We disagree with each other over some teachings of the church.

My future spouse and I have agreed that we are open about having children.

I am concerned that in-laws may interfere in our marriage relationship.

My future spouse and I can talk about our sexual fears, hopes and preferences.

We are in agreement about how we will make financial decisions between us.

I sometimes feel that this may not be the right person for me to marry.

My future spouse and I agree that our marriage commitment means we intend to pledge love under all circumstances.

These are all examples from the quiz...189 questions are just too many to list. The tea and biscuits were a nice bonus to get us through the night.