mmmmm chocolate

Monday, May 21, 2007

Home Alone

Where did the last few days go??

When all seems to be settled, and life is just cruising along...bam!

Very early Friday morning, the phone rang and on the other end was the news that Ant's Uncle John had died suddenly in Thailand. He was 53.

Shock was the word. Death brings many emotions. I think I have seen most of them now. For myself, I had never met him so over the last few days, my role I guess has been support person, and help out when needed. In these sort of situations, I find you don't ponder doing things, you just do them. Organising, cooking, transporting, researching, looking after kids (got them into puzzle making and teaching magic), and listening have made me not feel useless, and hopefully made things run a little smoother.

The family have gone to Thailand for a week to go to the funeral, a traditional Thai buddhist funeral (his wife was Thai), sort out all those things you need to sort, and most of all hopefully say their own goodbyes, and get the closure they need. I wish them all well.

For one of the first times since meeting Ant, Im home alone for the week. Anyone who has visited the house will know silence is not usually one of the words that describes it. Its kind of erie. Even the birds have been quiet. I can't sleep, and thats frustrating as hell.

On the plus side, I got a student teacher today who seems very on to it, so from first impressions it should be a pleasant five weeks. Open evening at school tomorrow night, my little accelerants are so keen as the science helpers - makes me proud. Its nice to see kids excited about school.

An update on the girl with cuts, the counsellor saw her after I forwarded her name. He said she would be alright, and without disclosing details, there was little to worry about after he talked to her. Reassuring.

Righto, off to attempt sleep again.


  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Not Kate said…

    Angela is free is as bird this weekend if you wanna hang out. Dunno what my schedule is like yet - but I'm sure I can do something Saturday night or maybe even Friday if you keen.


  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Charlie Brown said…

    Ohhh.. I understand the sleep thing (you know I do). It's sucky.


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