mmmmm chocolate

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Blah blah blah

Its been one of those weeks, that to be honest I cant wait for it to end. Nothing in particular has gone wrong or badly...but I just feel like crap. I know it will pass, but just wish it would do it quickly.....perhaps its the midwinter blues.

Have started back at the gym and walking a bit more regularly. When its warmer I want to get into swimming again. Swimming is great, a great time to zone out and have me time.

24 hours later.....

Feel a bit better today. I realised I have had a really good teaching week. 2 heart lung dissections, 1 rat dissection, lots of fire and explosions, made pretty patterns with meths and fire, made hokey pokey, my years nines went hard out and made some great environmental creatures (crocodiles and glitter bugs amongst them), and building bridges. School has been all good. If I could just go and teach everyday without all the administration and admin stuff, it would be good.

Had personal training last night. Did me the world of good. My trainer is making me do high weights low reps. I finally feel like Im better. Cant wait till i get back to 300kg on the leg press. Did squats last night - great for your butt and thighs, chest press and shoulder press, and a little cardio. Got the good pain today, just have to remember not to sit down too long :) The gym has again become one of my feel good zones.

Made the bomb apricot chicken last night, fully impressed and got compliments too. Had a chilled night as well which has improved my mood and happiness level.

Found out last night, have no flatties this weekend...woohoo. I love those sorts of weekends. Got a couple of parties this weekend, a dinner and going to the Cultural evening at school tonight. Hopefully the weather is good too :)

Run out of time, thats all folks!


  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Charlie Brown said…

    Ohhhh... mid-w5nter b34es. t6ta33y get wha ty64 0ean by that.


    Oops. I had num lock on.

    I'll try again...

    Ohhhh.. mid-winter blues!
    I totally get what you mean by that. It's not a very inspiring time of year huh.

    Your apricot chicken sounds good.

  • At 7:37 PM, Blogger fish said…

    Did you enjoy the Cultural evening? I had a great time. Apparently I was thanked for taking the choir but I was backstage :)

    When are you coming to join the dance group?


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