mmmmm chocolate

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Journey

Hey Hey Hey its holidays..... (I realise it was meant to say Fat Albert...but its holidays :) )

The first week is not far from over - I have left wild and windy Wellington and have ventured home to good ol' Dunners for a break.

Thought I may use this as a little diary of whats gone down so far...not much really, but here goes.

The Road trip

I left home for the ferry at 12.20 am on Sunday morning. Realising I had to fill up with petrol, I drove to my local BP. Thought a Wild Bean was on the cards but they had run out of milk (what the hell???). Also made a note to self, not to go there sober at that time of night. The petrol station was filled with drunk teenagers, boy racers (one of which I almost backed into..he he) and other beings Im sure only come out at night. Its a bit scary there on a cold winters night!

Anyway, made my way to the ferry and waited in line for an hour after checking in...a beautiful night, and very calm..made me happy. Im not the most sea worthy.

Finally making it onto the ferry I got out of the car armed with book and blanky in the effort that I may sleep. No such luck. I observed many people. People are very interesting in the early hours of the morning, especially children who really should be asleep. One child continually walked past mumbling "I'm tired, I'm tired." If he was a teenager I swear he would have been stoned. Another mother followed her kids around and lay down on the floor trying to sleep while they played. The kids would then move and she groggily followed them. There was also the guy who kept waking up his girlfriend while the soccer was on (I think he was bored),, she was none too impressed. Oh, and there were the three brothers who thought the ferry was a wrestling ring. Reminded me of my brother and I somewhat. To be honest not a lot going on
on the ridiculously early morning ferry but did get to watch the football :)

Docked at about 5am and set off to Christchurch for the first pit stop. I now realised why you should pull over when you are tired. Almost fell asleep a couple of times, so had to have wee naps at random rest areas. Had had about 3 hours sleep in the last 24 hours. It got lighter and found there was a lot of ice and snow once I hit the Kaikoura coast. I only did a rally slide once which I was impressed about. Highlight of the coast - seal colony, the beautiful views, and the snow capped mountains.

Next stop Christchurch........


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