The week in review
Another week down.....1 week 4 days to go until the holidays!!!
This week was especially tiring for me, turning 29 must have taken my energy! I had a lovely birthday week. Things that were especially nice were the surprises the kids gave me. One of my classes baked me a birthday cake, another 2 classes filled my board with nice messages. Out of left field but I was very humbled. So far....I have lovely classes this year. I was spoilt rotten by Anthony who gave me flowers, preordered Harry Potter for me (due out in June) and bought me dinner...warm fuzzies.
A few of us went to Ginjis Mongolian Restaurant for a buffet dinner, lovely and more variety than it's equivalent in town. Highly recommend!
Earlier in the week I went with the Year 12 on the annual ecology trip, however due to a mistake in tide reading by my HOD we went to Pukerua Bay at High Tide not low, so no rocky shore to be seen, but many swells. Decided by the teachers to go to QEII park further up the coast, which seemed to work although again I got a little sunburnt....still power in that Sun yet! A great group of kids to take fortunately, and most have passed their assessment taking the change in place in their stride.
My favourite class of the week, Yoga with my Year 11's. Learning about muscles, I took for a stretch/yoga class to identify through movement where they all were. Most got really into it, got some strange looks from teachers going past the room, but was all in all hilarious fun!!
Ken hosted a Teppanyaki night on Friday night for his 28th birthday. Great catch up for the posse and many agreed it has been too long and shouldnt be this long in future. I mean I still havent seen Ed's new pad yet or properly met his new girlfriend....not good at all. This may be a new focus for me next term. Experienced Mighty Mighty a new trendy club on Cuba Street. Hard to say what its theme is, kind of post war crossed with beatnik and a bit of weird. I add weird because of the band Meet-bix playing, the bartender dressed up in a pigmask and a cop hat and the guy who seems to get kicks out of playing with the R2D2 machine. Also took in Shooters (not Shakers Kate) realising before I entered I was way too old to go in on a Friday night, although I was meeting Ant, and Laura who had been on the Single Girls Scavenger Hunt previously.
The weekend was quietish, was sick most of Saturday. Watched Snakes on a Plane (surprisingly good) and Friends with Money (which is a pure chick flick watching most of it on my own, but not too bad). Sunday, lots of work to do and was done (yay).....I find now since I do NCEA marking its hard to do ordinary marking knowing you arent getting paid any more for it. Family came around, family had arguements, younger family members played the adults off against each other to avoid him getting into trouble, older family members frustrated with her grandchildren and their attitudes to life etc etc.
On the wedding front, got our first engagement present (that wasn't from our parents)..weeee! Ant's Nanna gave us a lamp. Next meeting with the Priest next Saturday, update will follow on that one.
Weight watchers lost 2.1kilos this week, totalling 5.1kilos. I got a 5 kilo bookmark and a bravo star. I am not so positive this week - two birthdays in the last week with dinners out, could be a big ouch! Wait and see.
Have a good week!! :)
At 10:49 PM,
Not Kate said…
Yay you on many fronts there. Good luck for this week's weigh-in. You're right - it'll be a tough week with the birthdays :) But still... I've been 'healthy eating' for a week and no results. So I've had a few off-days..... and done no exercise.......
Didn't help that Ange left a bloody bag of licorice at my house! I had to eat it. I had no choice......
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